Monthly Archives

February 2019

What Makes Scoperite Different: Our Unique Purpose

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Most CRMs are pretty similar. There really is no way around that; they all have similar features that serve similar purposes, regardless of the industry or intended function. So what makes them different? And how do you know really which one is right for you? We have talked before about picking the right CRM for your company here and here, but today we want to talk to about how Scoperite is different than many of the other systems.

At Scoperite we stand by our goal of success through simplicity, which means making your life easier. It means not have a bunch of useless features, it means having an easy to use layout, and it means not being the end-all, be-all software system for your company. Many of the CRM systems out there are made to be the last piece of software that you will ever need; it is all-encompassing, has all the features from an email server to sales management to budget reports, and is meant to be used for anything (and everything) your company could possibly need. But who really needs that besides gigantic corporations? Not small businesses that’s for sure. Even medium and some larger companies don’t need something that can do it all.

In our ongoing goal of simplicity and reducing stress, we understand that most small businesses, especially within the construction sphere, don’t need an all-encompassing system, which is why we aren’t one. We know that sounds weird; flaunting something that we aren’t, especially in comparison to our competition. We also know that you need a system that is going to work for your needs, so why pretend?

Scoperite is unique in that we are a claims management software, and nothing more. We know that most companies already have a system in place for emails and budgets and whatever else, but that what most companies need, especially in the construction sector, is a system to manage claims and projects. Between Google, Microsoft, and Amazon there are enough free and affordable services for all your other business needs, so why uproot that just to use the parts of a software system that you need. Scoperite allows users to input email addresses into the system so that messages can be sent and seen both on the platform and from within your email system, eliminating the need to get a whole new email system set-up within the CRM. It also let’s you store documents and track payments within each claim, so it is easy to get a quick picture of where each project is at. Do you need more than that? Probably not if you are already operating successfully. Adding Scoperite will simply continue to make your life easier, and your business more effective at what you do. If you are interested in learning more about Scoperite’s features and functions, please sign-up for a demo at!

CRM Strategy: Finding The Right CRM For Your Company

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As is the case with any type of advertisement, CRM companies typically spend their time telling you what you need and why you need it. Rather than trying to address the problems you have and find what works for you, they tell you your problems (and then explain how their system can fix it). At Scoperite, we don’t believe to know what is best for you, which is why we invite you to sign-up for a demo and see what we are all about, but we understand that it isn’t for everyone and we won’t push our typical customers needs onto you. In doing our best to continue that trend, we want to talk about finding the right CRM for your company, because there are a lot of them out there that can address almost any problems or needs that you may have. Below we will dive into strategies on finding the best CRM for you company.

Look At What Your Business Needs

Every business is different, even within industries. They all have different cultures, different paces, and different ways of doing things. So CRM systems that say they specialize in X industry are just trying to hoodwink you into thinking they understand what your business needs. The only people who can properly identify what your business needs are you and your employees. Identifying what your business needs doesn’t mean looking for areas where a CRM might help, it means looking at your business as a whole and seeing what needs fixed. It could be the way the phones get answered, the time between follow-up calls, different people working on the same client, or anything! Take a hard look at what you think you need, and then ask your employees, or even ask clients for feedback; take all of that information and use it to see it to see what you need, because in the end it might not be a CRM.

Identify How You Will Use A CRM

Once you know your needs and/or problems, take a look at a few different CRM systems that you think might be good, and identify exactly what features will be helpful to you in regards to the specific needs you have already identified. If most of the features aren’t directly applicable to what you need, move on to another system. Do this for the systems you think might be good; if there are at least 3 or 4 features that you think will directly apply to your needs, make a note of it. Once you have a few different systems narrowed down, sign-up for demos. Take that time to really dig into what the software can do, and if it is worth adding to your company.

Evaluate Other Options

In addition to demo a few different CRMs and seeing if they are what you are looking for, also take the time to look at other available options as well. The Google Business system and Microsoft Office 365 are other great avenues to solving certain problems, and can cheaper and easier to implement as well.

When it really comes down to deciding to add a CRM or not, make sure you are taking the time and effort to research what you need and how it will help you be better, not just jumping in because other companies in your industry have it and you think it might help you too. Your needs are what need to be answered to, and it may not be a CRM that is going to do that.